featuring two concerts:
7:00 pm Goze, a blind ecosystem- GMEM Modulations - GMEM box office
9:00 pm Goat (JP ) - AMI "Jest" Festival - AMI box office
7:00 pm - GMEM Modulations
Goze, a blind ecosystem
Creation for voice and electronics
Followed by 16mm film. Goze Ghosts by Stefano Canapa
This new creation is rooted in a trip to Japan in May 2023.
Chœur tac-til, Lionel Marchetti (composer, improviser) and Stefano Canapa (filmmaker) travel through the towns and forests of the Kansai region.
They immerse themselves in sound ecosystems, examining them, gleaning sounds and organizing numerous sound and visual shoots between human cities, Buddhist or Shinto temples located at the bottom of valleys, mountain torrents, traditional cemeteries and other stone gardens. The choir, becoming nomadic, sings with each environment it crosses.
Chœur tac-til has imagined this journey in resonance with different vocal and musical practices in Japan. In particular, the story of the Goze, the itinerant, blind women musicians who roamed Japan from the Middle Ages until the 1990s.The Goze played the shamisen, and their partly improvised songs drew on the sounds around them (insects, wind, snowflakes on a branch...). Different repertoires coexisted: they spoke with the dead or reported social and political stories from one village to the next, in a sort of nomadic radio.
Today, a part of their singing, like so many other oral traditions, is on the verge of extinction.
The Goze were pioneers, fighting to set up a system of solidarity funds that protected them and enabled them to help each other.
They developed a powerful social tool, transforming their handicap.
Chœur tac-til & Lionel Marchetti
"We are nine voices, sighted and blind, who have been singing and exploring together for 11 years. Our practice consists of listening to and imitating sound ecosystems. We become the sounds of biotopes, machines, endangered species, human and non-human. Our songs blend ancestral and experimental vocal practices. We're the stumbling blocks of a memory populated by tunes, buried melodies that emerge and carry us away for hybridizations, mutations. In 2022, we are inviting Lionel Marchetti to play with us, to work on the space of sound in relation to his electronics, and to extend our songs - now tangled as if in a forest".
Natacha Muslera (vocalist, improviser, composer and producer) breathed life into Chœur tac-til in 2012. This creation marks the end of a ten-year research residency at GMEM. During these residencies, Natacha has developed compositional modes distanced from the visual field (haptic robot, blind score...), working with the choir and interweaving free improvisation.From January 2022, Lionel Marchetti and his electronic device will be invited to work on several residencies at the GMEM.
" At the edge, voice and electronics reflect, disturb and invert space - underwater waves, packs of breath, whistling feathers, digging a liquid forest. The electronics chisel away at the inaudible voices, infra-bass, ultra-high-pitched, the air splits open like so many shards of volcanic rock, outcropping sheets of ether that break with the organicity of the mouth sounds, rains of luettes"
Goze Ghosts ゴーズゴースト
Film-performance in 16 mm, black and white
For this creation Stefano Canapa projects and plays a few sequences from the film in the making. He intervenes live, manipulating the projector like a musical instrument. For the sound, Lionel Marchetti and Choeur tac-til have developed sound materials that interweave sounds, words and snippets of encounters collected in Japan. The sound is deliberately diffused through a mono loudspeaker.
Stefano Canapa
image and acting
Lionel Marchetti & Chœur tac-til
sound and composition
9:00 pm - AMI 'Jest' Festival
Goat (JP)
Beware UFOs, these four Japanese (not Swedish, like their fellow band members) are making some of the most hallucinatory music around. Between trance and musique concrète, between minimalist tribal indus and noisy math-rock, there's a place to be: GOAT (Japan) has sat right on it.
Totally immersive concert-performances, close your eyes, there's nothing to see and everything to hear. A cross between Can and Acid Mother Temple, brothers of Nisennenmondai, GOAT is a true revelation!
> video
As part of Jamais d'eux sans toi organized by AMI
Association OFF-CELLS ; GMEM, Centre national de création musicale
Partners and supporters
France ; Japan ; City of Marseille ; Institut français Paris, Kyoto, Kobe ; Fondation Ecart Pomaret ; École supérieure d'art d'Aix-en-Provence ; Scam ; Centre d'art La Compagnie ; Musée d'ethnologie d'Osaka ; Guggenheim house Kobe ; Doshisha Women's College of Liberal Arts Kyoto ; Atelier Daltonica

"I am interested in every voice, the tiny and infirm voices - those of the living and the dead, of humans and non-humans. With these voices I elaborate a language of resistance that I call wood language, a hybrid language, articulated and inarticulated, impregnated with sound ecosystems. This activates performances, improvisations, texts, collective vocal practices, sound and radio pieces, scores, films, workshops and research laboratories, technologies of alterities... These experiments confront as much the vocal potentials, as the problematics of normality and aesthetics, that is to say the limits that one assigns to the voice: that of gender, class, register; as well as the predominance of a certain sense. "

Lionel Marchetti is a composer of concrete music. He works daily in what he likes to call his sound studio on a musical poetics allowed by the use of sound technologies - from analog to digital - from the use of the loudspeaker to the associated recording, up to the acousmatic interpretation, and this, in the line of this specific art.
Tac-Til Choir
Vocal ensemble
Chœur tac-til goes beyond purely musical/aesthetic issues. A playground for reflection, a care area, an intellectual and sensitive adventure, this conductorless choir attempts new forms of representation and writing. It questions what emanates from automatisms, perceptive and normative hierarchies, and the edges of the audible, experimenting with new endeavors during residencies and performance concerts.
Over the years, various musicians have been invited to join the choir: Lionel Marchetti (electronics), Aude Romary (cello), Michel Doneda (soprano saxophone).
The choir took part in the creation of Home, a documentary and musical research project by Jean-Luc Guionnet and Eric la Casa. Several radio programs have been devoted to the choir, including Anne Montaron's program À l'improviste on France Musique. In 2023, the choir took part in a radio creation for young people by Chloé Despax, "Et si Ghanda s'était sauvé" (Radio Grenouille & Euphonia). In 2023, it was invited to take part in Aventures sonores with the Grand 8, a large ensemble based in Marseille.
Stefano Canapa
Stefano Canapa was born in Turin (Italy) in 1977. In 1998, he helped found Superottomonamour, a small-scale film laboratory in Turin. Here he made his first films in Super8 and a short film in 35mm. In 1999, he moved to Paris and became a member of GROUPE ZUR (Angers - FRA), a collective of artists from different backgrounds working at the crossroads of the visual arts, theater, music and cinema.
In 2000, he graduated in History and Technique of Cinema at the University of Turin (Department of Art, Music and Performance). Since his arrival in France, he has been directing and developing his films at L'Abominable, an artists' film laboratory run collectively by a group of filmmakers of which he is a member.
Between 2002 and 2010, he devoted himself mainly to Expanded cinema, creating several performances and installations: La passione non cambia, Appunti per un film d'amore, Petrolio, Split Seconds, Wavelenght).
In the following years, he returned to theatrical filmmaking, co-directing two documentaries with Catherine Libert: Les Champs Brûlants and Des provinces lointaines.
Between 2017 and 2020, he directed two diptychs, each exploring the relationship between image and sound in the cinematic device. The first focuses on the work of musician Jérôme Noetinger and comprises two short films: Jérôme Noetinger and The Sound drifts. The second is a work conceived in the darkroom using photochemical laboratory tools: A radical film and Further radical take as their starting materials images made by printing 35mm film through thin slices of black radish.
With Natacha Muslera, he has just completed a medium-length film entitled L'année qui vient.
9 p.m. concert
Hailing from Osaka, Japan, GOAT defy the typical rock band with their unique style, a complex approach to minimalism, favoring pure percussive sound over melodic content. They build compositions that explore rhythms and bring the audience into a trance. Embracing powerful urban and tribal percussive sounds, their live shows are unlike anything else.
Friche la Belle de Mai (Petit Plateau)
41 Jobin Street13003
Goze, a blind ecosystem
Unique 6€
Modulations loyalty card 30€*
Limited number of seats
*Gives access to all Modulations in the season 23-24
Online: gmem-cncm.mapado.com
By mail: billetterie@gmem.org
On site: on the day of the performance, half an hour before the show, subject to availability.
What are Modulations?
Concerts, performances, regular events...
In other words, a season organized by the GMEM.
1st semester dates:
19/09 - 17/10 - 21/11 - 03/12 - 19/12
2nd semester dates :
01/16 - 02/20 - 03/03 - 19/03 - 04/16 - 05/12
Goat (JP)
One-off €6
Online: AMI
Natacha Muslera & Lionel Marchetti
in partnership with
Chœur tac-til
Stefano Canapa
Chœur tac-til
composed of
Alex Quérel
Chérifa Harzallah
Franck Omer
Mélodie Duchesne,
François Parra
MafaldaDa Camara
Angélique Huguenin
Natacha Muslera
Bruno Raby