Hervé Birolini continues to ride lightning, sounds and images, real or dreamed. Presented as a piece at the crossroads of radio drama, live electronic music and futuristic cinema, Tesla plunges us into the mind of inventor and engineer Nikola Tesla.

Like this genius who, all his life, evolved between the infinite possibilities of electrical energy, Tesla summons sounds, devices but also poetry. Not only to tell the story of the man, but to try to imagine the story of his thoughts. For this, Hervé Birolini called upon the words of the author Dominique Petitgand, whose text constitutes here a sound material in its own right. 

On stage, the controlled deflagrations produced by a field of Tesla coils, the electric arc speakers, the samples of electrical phenomena, the recorded and modified voices join this dreamlike world where sound and light become almost palpable. 

Hervé Birolini proves once again that the human being is at the heart of his universe, far from being inhabited only by technological presences. 

Tesla - School session
Hervé Birolini, François Donato
Live electronic performance
Fri. 12 May 2023 | 10h00 Friche la Belle de Mai (Petit Plateau)

40 min.


Hervé Birolini
artistic direction and music 

François Donato

Dominique Petitgand
original booklet 

Denis Rey
recorded voice 

Floxel Barbelin
general management 

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