During this last residency at the GMEM aroundEXO, Julie Rousse finishes the creation of the music and tests the spatialization of each of the celestial objects that will compose the sky on the evening of May 19th and that will be visible from the roof of the Friche.
Creating the swarms of matter typical of the gaseous clouds of nebulae, the luminous dots of Gamma radiation peaks, or reproducing the textures of icy planetary floors of the spatialized composition that will immerse the spectator in the sound environment representing the celestial objects pointed by the geometry of the laser beams.
With EXO, the visual artist Félicie d'Estienne d'Orves and the musician Julie Rousse invite the spectators to turn their gaze towards the sky and project themselves into space. In this monumental device, the two artists collaborate to write a visual and sound score, composing with the distances and specificities of a hundred chosen celestial objects. An experience of space exploration, this project aims to change scale, to increase our relationship with the sky by aligning our gaze with other space-time, in different sites where the clear horizon and the dimensions of space allow us to highlight invisible perspectives, spatial and temporal connections between celestial and geographical coordinates.
EXO will be presented in Marseille on the night of Saturday 19 to Sunday 20 May on the roof terrace of the Friche la Belle de Mai, as part of the 31st edition of the festival Les Musiques et de Marseille Provence 2018.

Born in 1979 in Paris, lives and works in Marseille.
A passionate phonographer, Julie Rousse is always on the lookout for new sounds from the field, which she records with traditional or experimental sound capture systems, in selected and particular urban, natural or industrial contexts around the world.
Félicie d'Estienne d'Orves
Born in Athens in 1979, she lives and works in Paris.
Mixing sculpture, light and new technologies, Félicie d'Estienne d'Orves' work questions the process of vision and the conditioning of the gaze. Her installations call upon a phenomenological knowledge of reality, they emphasize a perception of time in a continuous movement. Since 2014, the artist has focused his research on astrophysical space and the study of natural light cycles.
His "Cosmos" series evokes the limits of human perception and translates events that connect us to distant space-time into audiovisual installations. After "Convection stellaire" (2008 - Music F. Nogray), transformation of the matter of a star over hundreds of billions of years, in her series "Eclipse" (2009-2012, Music K. Toeplitz), she plays on the relativity of positions between the Earth and its neighboring stars, and finally her piece "Supernova" (2011, Music L. Dailleau), conceived with the astrophysicist Fabio Acero, presents on a reduced scale the explosion of a star.
In 2012, on the occasion of a commission from the London City Council she created her first laser installation "Geometry", a sculpture of motorized mirrors that projects drawings of elementary geometries in the London sky. Following this project, she imagines continuing this work in land art in the more radical context of the Atacama Desert. In 2014, she begins a collaboration with the fieldrecording musician Julie Rousse around the project in Atacama and realize the project "EXO" (Nuit Blanche de Paris - 2015).
Since 2016, she has dedicated herself to the series "Etalon lumière" which reintroduces the idea of cosmic time as a standard for measuring time, a "light time" derived from celestial mechanics and distances in light years. In 2017, she converted the EDF chimneys of the city of Le Havre into a space beacon. For 5 months, the two chimneys of the factory expired to the rhythm of the journey of light from Venus and Mars (in collaboration with Fabio Acero).
His work has been presented at the Centre Pompidou - Nuit Blanche - Sortbonne Artgallery (Paris) - Maison des Arts de Créteil (Créteil / FR ) - Centquatre / Nemo Biennale (Paris) - 500 years of Le Havre (FR) - La Société (Brussels) - New Art Space / Sonic Acts (Amsterdam) - Watermans Arts Centre (London) - ICAS (Dresden) - Luz y Vanguardias (Spain) - Elektra Festival / BIAN (Montreal) - Aram Art Museum (Goyang / KR) - OCAT (Shanghai/CH) - Day For Night (Houston).
Julie Rousse
musician composer
Félicie d'Estienne d'Orves
visual artist
Charles Bascou
research assistant