Successive meetings with various research and musical creation centers such as Ina-GRM, Ircam, CESARE, GMEM have led to the emergence of the spatialization of sound as a parameter of musical writing. This has resulted in numerous sound installations on sites such as the Parc de la Villette in Paris, the Prieuré de La Charité-sur-Loire and the sound courtyard of the Familistère de Guise, as well as in research work carried out within the CEDRIC laboratory.
Her doctoral thesis is entitled Ecriture sonore : entre déterminisme, émergence et interactivité. She has collaborated with various choreographers such as Emmanuelle Huynh, Hervé Robe, Santiago Sampere as well as with film-makers such as Christian Boustani, Henri Colomer, Anne Durez, Alain Escale.
In addition, she teaches and directs several courses on sound and interactivity at the CNAM, Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, as well as at the Cologne University of Technology (THK/Cologne Game lab).
After studying electroacoustic music, she became interested in the sound landscape and the multiple listening spaces offered to a "listening walker".