Purpose of residency: research.

The Une Odyssée project brings together three artists in a cross-disciplinary investigation of musical spaces (composition), physical spaces (musician's body, stage space, audience presence) and visual spaces (video creation and set design). 

The piece Le silence des sirènes, composed by Vincent-Raphaël Carinola, is their meeting point, and the starting point for a live performance project. Its poetic, spatial and visual dimensions open up a strong cross-disciplinary field. The multi-channel broadcast immerses the audience, as does the musician's solo position, face-to-face with her instrument, which carries the story. 

The scenography and visual design work will be built in resonance with the musical piece, with the aim of creating an immersive work with multiple artistic dimensions. The heart of the work lies in a search for translation between plastic-scenic and musical forms, notably in the following dimensions: gesture, textures, spatialization, poetic sound and visual semantics. 

An Odyssey
Compagnie des Rêves Fiers
Mon. June 17 -- Fri. 21, 2024

Élodie Reibaud
harp, interpretation 

Vincent-Raphaël Carinola

Faustine Reibaud-Nicoli
scenography, video creation 

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