Paysage de propagations " #1.2 Matrice " and " #3 Fusion " are adapted to the Galerie d'exposition du Théâtre de Privas.
As well as a brand-new work created for this exhibition, "#5 Rotations", offering a sound massage...
From 2018 to 2020, composer and sound artist Christian Sebille has been invited to take up a residency at the Centre international de recherche sur le verre et les arts plastiques - Cirva.
Following research into shapes and their acoustic signatures - balloons, bowls, cymbals, saucers or rods... broken, bell-shaped, hollow or sandblasted... - Christian Sebille has developed a project for a glass orchestra and immersive sound installation driven by generative mechanics. In this research, glass is both instrument and acoustic diffusion membrane. Each blown form, by definition unique, releases a singular sound wave, looped, transformed and propagated by glass loudspeakers.
Paysage de propagations brings together a multi-disciplinary team: glassblowers, philosopher, composer, musicians, mechanical designers and computer music producer.
> "#1 Matrix" propagation landscape
First proposal in the "Paysage de propagations" series.
Created in May 2021, Matrice offers the public an acoustic and electronic installation featuring over thirty glass pieces, arranged on ten tables and set into vibration by motors (direct and indirect percussion, friction, rotation) controlled by a digital device. The sounds are then captured, transformed and re-injected into other glass bowls equipped with transducers that give them the status of sound diffusers.
The tables arranged in the space offer an immersive soundscape that, depending on the listener's listening position, highlights the singularity of each individual's perception and the power of choosing one's listening point.
Sound movements provoke changes in perspective and act on the representation of space.
The combination of audience movement, the play of mechanisms on the basins and the spatialization of projected sounds all contribute to the construction of an unheard-of imaginary landscape.
The landscape evolves throughout the sound diffusion, with the play of lights reinforcing the immersive dimension, inducing shifts in shadows and aquatic atmospheres.
The audience is invited to press a pedal to launch a 7-minute listening cycle.
Performance Tuesday, January 14, 2025, 7:00 pm - Galerie d'exposition du Théâtre de Privas, Privas (07)
Performance based on a number of glass pieces by Philippe Foch (percussion) and Christian Sebille (live electronics).
During the two years from 2018 in residence at the Centre international de recherche sur le verre et les arts plastiques - Cirva, to develop blown pieces dedicated to sound research, Christian Sebille didn't fail to take advantage of his complicity with percussionist Philippe Foch. Together, they began research into the resonance of glass pieces. The workshops during which they tamed these unheard-of instruments finally gave rise to the idea of a performance in the Paysage de propagations cycle. Philippe Foch uses his gestural dexterity and sensuality to extract unheard-of sounds, while Christian Sebille takes hold of the sound material to transform it in real time and render it. A duo of electronic and acoustic improvisation that draws on the poetics of objects to extend the trajectory of the glass artists' crystallized breaths and create a small, derisory and lively cosmology of sound.
> Landscape " #3 Fusion
Installation with video. Space and image design by Francisco Ruiz De Infante (visual artist).
For the third installment of "Paysage de propagations", Christian Sebille (designer) and Francisco Ruiz de Infante (visual artist) have decided to swap roles.
Francisco Ruiz de Infante presents the glass pieces as if extracted from an excavation field, like objects bearing witness to a bygone era. In the white square, the pieces that have emerged from the earth come back to life through their resonance and sound, testifying to the resurgence of memories.
Thus, transmission is no longer in vain, and the glass pieces propagate their waves.
The sound is an extension of the shape of the glass pieces, born from the incandescent ball of their birth.
They invoke the space of their vibrations, like a return to the red fusion of their origin.
> Landscape " #5 Rotations
In the "Paysages de propagations" series, the fifth installation, "Rotations", brings into play the very basis of the artistic proposition: listening to the vibration of sound objects.
Two cymbals are mounted on masts. They are set in vibration by rubber balls driven by motors. The rotating movement causes friction, resulting in a sustained, pervasive sound.
Listeners can sit outside the device for an overall view and listening experience, but can also sit on stools installed under the cymbals for a sound shower.
At a time when research is turning to sophisticated devices to create fictional listening spaces, "Rotations" implements simple acoustic immersion.
Delegated production
GMEM - Centre national de création musicale and Cirva, Centre international de recherche sur le verre et les arts plastiques
Saint-Ex, Digital Culture - Reims
Development of mechanical and computer devices
Sonopopée Collective
of the device for multimedia and digital artistic creation (DICRéAM)
Sacem ; Onda ; Maison de la Musique Contemporaine (MMC)
Reso-nance & Fablab lfo ; Cirva team : Stanislas Colodiet, Huguette Epinat, Bérangère Huguet, Carlo Maria Marangoni, Valérie Olléon, Cyrille Rocherieux, Fernando Torre, David Veis
Writing commission
Paysage #2.2

Christian Sebille is a composer and artistic director of the GMEM in Marseille. He works on the realization of sound installations in situ, in particular within the framework of a series entitled Miniatures. The place of sound capture is linked to the place of its diffusion in a ratio of space compression (reduction of the diffusion space in relation to the capture space) and temporal reduction (ratio of capture time / diffusion time). Moreover, he works on the concrete sound and on the capacity of the material to be in itself its own diffuser (the instrumental object). The radiation of the material and the movement of the object (sound) play with each other.
Théâtre de Privas (07)
Place André Malraux07000
Free admission
Tuesday, January 14, 2025 at 7:00 pm
Philippe Foch
Wednesdays: 9:30 am to 12:30 pm / 1:30 pm to 5 pm
Thursdays & Fridays: 1:30 pm to 5 pm
On show days: 1:30 am before the start of the performance
Wed. Jan. 15 - Fri. 17, 2024
Thu. 20 + Fri. 21 February 2024
Christian Sebille
design and composition
Francisco Ruiz de Infante
plastic surgeon
Philippe Foch
Maxime Lance, Vivien Trelcat and Nicolas Canot
Collectif artistique Sonopopée
mechanical and digital generative device
Cirva team
production and realization of glass
Matthieu Girard
wood and metal builder
Benoit Fremaux
wood and metal builder, stage manager
Damien Ripoll
general, IT and sound manager