Paysage de propagations " #1.2 Matrice " and " #3 Fusion " are adapted to the Galerie d'exposition du Théâtre de Privas.
As well as a brand-new work created for this exhibition, comprising three cives, a kind of resonant shower, offering a sound massage...

From 2018 to 2020, composer and sound artist Christian Sebille has been invited to take up a residency at the Centre international de recherche sur le verre et les arts plastiques - Cirva. 

Following research into shapes and their acoustic signatures - balloons, bowls, cymbals, saucers or rods... broken, bell-shaped, hollow or sandblasted... - Christian Sebille has developed a project for a glass orchestra and immersive sound installation driven by generative mechanics. In this research, glass is both instrument and acoustic diffusion membrane. Each blown form, by definition unique, releases a singular sound wave, looped, transformed and propagated by glass loudspeakers.

Paysage de propagations brings together a multi-disciplinary team: glassblowers, philosopher, composer, musicians, mechanical designers and computer music producer.


> Paysage de propagations " #1.2 Matrice "

" We are in an enclosed space where glass pieces, awakened by slave mechanisms, propagate their sonic identity. Lights sweep the space. Nothing seems fixed. Ten tables present unique, inert pieces, until the action of the striker. The breath of the glass artists is extended by sound. Matter moves from solid to vibrant, from frozen breath to resounding expansion. Sounds propagate in space, mixing between their zones of propagation. Flashes of light and layers of color, in counterpoint, blur our bearings.
After a period of observation, you can wander around in search of the mechanisms. After the initial astonishment, it's time to try and understand the device. Where do the phenomena come from? Then come the bubbles of light and sound spectra, the axes of dialogue and the traces of frequencies. The interplay of sound families - wood, metal, stone - questions and challenges each other. The movement of resonance requires the listener to stand still and observe. You decide to be inside this small world. A derisory, ironic link is established between you and the cosmos. You are in a place decided by your listening, in a place of the orchestra, close to what is strong, far from the distant" - Christian Sebille.

Performance Tuesday January 14, 2025 at 7:00 pm - Galerie d'exposition du Théâtre de Privas, Privas (07)

Performance based on a few glass pieces by Philippe Foch (percussion) and Christian Sebille (live electronics).
During the two years from 2018 in residence at the Centre international de recherche sur le verre et les arts plastiques - Cirva, to develop blown pieces dedicated to sound research, Christian Sebille didn't fail to take advantage of his complicity with percussionist Philippe Foch. Together, they began research into the resonance of glass pieces. The workshops during which they tamed these unheard-of instruments finally gave rise to the idea of a performance in the Paysage de propagations cycle. Philippe Foch uses his gestural dexterity and sensuality to extract unheard-of sounds, while Christian Sebille takes hold of the sound material to transform it in real time and render it. A duo of electronic and acoustic improvisation that draws on the poetics of objects to extend the trajectory of the glass artists' crystallized breaths and create a small, derisory and lively cosmology of sound.


Throughout his career as a composer, Christian Sebille's ideas have often found their depth through the creation of series. The Villes imaginées (7 pieces for voice, instruments and electronics) and Miniatures (13 musical and sound installations) series were already a response to a desire to dig a furrow and deepen personal artistic research through a play on formal differences.
Following this same creative logic, Paysage de propagations has become a series, each version of which has a number and a subtitle.


> Landscape #3 "Fusion

Installation with video. Directed by Francisco Ruiz De Infante (visual artist).

" A space... A mechanical and organic pre-square at the same time. An incandescent desire to master the beautiful disorder of a few breaths fossilized in transparent balls. For some, the word "disorder*" evokes a domestic nightmare. It suits us; it reassures us too, because order can easily become frightening. Order is frightening because it attracts us with the same force as disorder carries us. If we exist and if a space vibrates, it's probably because of these comings and goings.
How can we build an archaeology in transition? A fragile potential that, amplified by the resonance of a few transparent skins and a few memories of fire, can compose an enigmatic space-time with which to vibrate?
Here are improbable shapes generated thanks to the desires of sound! Here are hammers to provoke the reaction of fossilized air in the air of the present! Here are shadows to explain almost invisible movements! And here are the scanners to illuminate, underline and conceal these vitrified breaths. And then there are the mechanical gazes that scan transparencies and bodies. These gazes which, while looking at everything, see nothing... the better to let the orchestra be heard." - Francisco Ruiz De Infante
*Désordre, by Jean-Claude Carrière, 2012, Éd. André Versaille

Propagation landscape "#1.2 Matrix
Christian Sebille
Orchestra and glass speakers
Tue. January 14 -- Fri. April 4, 2025 Théâtre de Privas (07)

Free admission

Tuesday, January 14, 2025 at 7:00 pm
Philippe Foch

Wednesdays: 9:30 am to 12:30 pm / 1:30 pm to 5 pm
Thursdays & Fridays: 1:30 pm to 5 pm
On show days: 1:30 am before the start of the performance

Dates to be confirmed


Christian Sebille
design and composition

Francisco Ruiz de Infante
plastic surgeon

Philippe Foch

Maxime Lance, Vivien Trelcat and Nicolas Canot
Collectif artistique Sonopopée
mechanical and digital generative device

Cirva team
production and realization of glass

Matthieu Girard
wood and metal builder

Benoit Fremaux
wood and metal builder, stage manager

Damien Ripoll
general, IT and sound manager

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