The aim of the musical composition is to make us hear how the word unravels to allow a new song to emerge.
Estrée stops over on the island of Kyrra. While the volcanic landscape seems to engulf her, a series of signs, sounds and shapes call out to her. She discovers a group of women who live on the island. They communicate in an invented language, in movement, composed of gestures, cries and dissonant songs, pay particular attention to the environment and seem to communicate with it through mysterious musical instruments. Black spots punctuate their skin. Estrée observes them. The black spots are reminiscent of dried lava, the bodies disappear into the landscape. The island is all these women.
Corinne Castel, volcanoes
Raphaële Dupire
sound artist
Laura Sellies, Amélie Giacomini
visual artists, directors
Anna Gaïotti, Pauline Lorillard, Silvia Di Rienzo, Nathalie Broizat, Susanne Schmidt
Anna Gaïotti
Thomas Favel, Michele Gurrieri
Raphaële Dupire
Laurent Leveneur
Marie Gascoin