Orchestra and glass speakers 

Since October 2018, composer and sound artist Christian Sebille has been invited to take up a residency at the Centre International de Recherche sur le Verre et les Arts Plastiques - CIRVA. This art center in the Joliette district is internationally renowned for the collaborations it initiates between master glassmakers and artists. By nature oriented towards the creation of plastic forms (Pierre Huyghe, François Morellet, Pierre Soulages...), the collaboration here takes a novel turn by investing glass as a sound material object. 

Following research into shapes and their acoustic signatures - balloons, bowls, cymbals, saucers or rods... broken, bell-shaped, hollow or sandblasted... - Christian Sebille is developing a project for a glass orchestra and immersive sound installation. In this research, glass is both instrument and acoustic diffusion membrane. Each blown shape, by definition unique, releases a singular sound wave, which is captured, processed and transformed, then propagated by glass loudspeakers. 

Paysage de propagations is an immersive installation that allows for performative forms, including one in the company of percussionist Philippe Foch, a subtle, protean musician who will play specific glass pieces that will be processed in real time by the digital transformation device interpreted by Christian Sebille.

Paysage de propagations brings together a multi-disciplinary team: glassblowers, philosopher, composer, musicians, mechanical designers and computer music producer who are working on two parallel projects, the second of which, led by Claudine Simon, is called Pianomachine.

Paysage de propagations
Christian Sebille
Sound installation
Mon. May 1, 2018 -- Sun. May 30, 2021 Cirva

Christian Sebille
conception, composition and electronics

Philippe Foch

Francisco Ruiz de Infante
space and image production

Collectif Sonopopée
mechanical and digital generative device

CIRVA technical team
composed of :
Christelle Notelet
former workshop manager
Valérie Olléon
glass paste technician
Fernando Torre, David Veis, Cyrille Rocherieux

Matthieu Girard

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