Electro-Aimant was born from an unlikely meeting between a musician committed to the renewal of traditional music and a composer who develops his practice through improvisation, with computerized lutherie. The oral tradition, the practice of improvisation, the electroacoustic music and the transformation in real time meet to invent in the time of the concert, a language which is built between tradition and novelty, history and immediacy.
Christian Sebille and Miquèu Montanaro push the limits of the galoubets-tambourins, by a ceaseless game between the raw material of sound and its transformation. Deconstruction and reconstruction are articulated to write a dynamic narrative, always surprising.
The galoubet-tambourine, considered traditional and popular, is a very technical instrument between a flute with very precise melodies and a tambourine that performs two functions: rhythmic and drone. Christian Sebille's computers explore this profusion of sounds to expose an unprecedented and unheard-of dialogue between these two radically different musical techniques.
The two musicians have escaped from their habits to dare a new joust. By diverting their practices and with their own lutherie, they play with their cultural contribution to extract extravagant sound volutes and invent a new form of dialogue.

Christian Sebille is a composer and artistic director of the GMEM in Marseille. He works on the realization of sound installations in situ, in particular within the framework of a series entitled Miniatures. The place of sound capture is linked to the place of its diffusion in a ratio of space compression (reduction of the diffusion space in relation to the capture space) and temporal reduction (ratio of capture time / diffusion time). Moreover, he works on the concrete sound and on the capacity of the material to be in itself its own diffuser (the instrumental object). The radiation of the material and the movement of the object (sound) play with each other.
Miquèu Montanaro
composer and multi-instrumentalist
Born in Hyères in 1955, Miquèu Montanaro is a composer and multi-instrumentalist musician, with 35 albums to his credit. His main instrument is the galoubet-tambourine (traditional Provencal instrument composed of a flute-tambourine duo).
His practice tends to renew the traditionally practiced genre, beyond the folkloric straitjacket. He multiplies the collaborations while evolving in various musical genres: improvised music (Barre Philips, Alan Vitous, Serge Pesce, Fabrice Gaudé), world music (Carlo Rizzo, Keyvan Chemirani, Fouad Didi), chanson (Arthur H, Georges Moustaki, Sylvie Berger), new traditional music (Laurence Bourdin, Pierre-Laurent Bertolino, Baltazar Montanaro-Nagy, Estelle Amsellem), chamber music (Quatuor Talich, OCTV).
He also composes music for plays, films (documentaries, fictions), choreographies, and directs several multidisciplinary creations (music, dance, plastic arts, video...).
Christian Sebille
Miquèu Montanaro
galoubet-tambourine, flutes