©Didier Allard
She creates images for various shows and performs as a visual artist, bringing together drawing, image manipulation, video, shadow theater and music, in collaboration with various artists and companies (Cie Risonanze, Cie Madame Glou, Cie Skappa!, Ensemble KNM Berlin...). She also offers workshops where her diverse practices meet with participants of all ages, and has been teaching electroacoustic composition since 2022.
Loïse Bulot studied graphic arts at the Lycée du Livre Maximilien Vox in Paris, Beaux-Arts de Marseille and electroacoustic composition at the Conservatoire de Marseille. Winner of the Luigi Russolo, Banc d'Essai (GRM), SIME and Petites Formes (electroacoustic composition) competitions, her visual and/or musical works have been commissioned and presented at various festivals and institutions in France and abroad (Radio-France, INA-GRM, TNM La Criée, Philharmonie de Paris, GMEM - Centre national de création musicale, ABD Gaston Defferre. Festival Futura, Festival Les Musiques, Festival Reevox- Festival SIME, France; Festival CIRMMT, Canada. Music Biennale de Zagreb MBZ, Croatia; Festival Musica Electronica Nova, Poland; Festival Kontakte, Festival Heroines of Sound- Festival EVIMUS, Germany; Festival EmuFEST, Festival Contemporanea Acusmatica, Italy; Festival OUA, Japan; Festival MUSLAB, Mexico, Argentina; Festival Sonorities, UK...).
Visual artist and composer Loïse Bulot develops her work through the visual arts, music, show and performance. Her musical compositions poetically explore the relationship between color, form and sound, evoking fantastic, living, tiny or celestial worlds. She composes acousmatic pieces, mixed-media pieces sometimes guided by graphic scores, as well as music for images and live performance.