Purpose of the residency
First stage of musical creation for the salon 1

3 plastic and sound installations, 3 listening rooms for 7/8 people from 11 years old.

With Aaron Appelfeld as the source: "Childhood, I did not know then that I would return to seek my growing reflection there."

salon 1
" first memory " Loise Bulot, from recordings of Moroccan adolescents met in September 2022 

salon 2
" The flickering memory " Fabrizio Cenci  

salon 3
" Who is speaking? " Loise Bulot from interviews with Ludwig Crespin, a philosophy teacher and researcher on the language of characters in dreams.

The chorus of dreams
Skappa! & associates
Mon. 3 -- Fri. April 7, 2023

Isabelle Hervouët
conception and direction

Loïse Bulot,
Fabrizio Cenci

musical composition

Wilfried Legaud
video creation

Anne Van Der Meulen

Useful links