Recording and research residency.
During this residency, François Wong begins writing and recording material for the new electroacoustic piece Kaustikos. This creation will add to the repertoire of the duo with Isabelle Courroy (kaval flutes) / François Wong (electronics, mise en espace). Their long-term work began in 2018, and has just been marked by the release of the album Confluence#3 (2024, Buda musique).
The wave circulates, spreads and vibrates.
The wave meets, collides, reflects and continues its travels.
Kaustikos tells the story of these encounters.
The meeting of Isabelle Courroy's ancestral flutes with a repertoire of contemporary creations.
The meeting of breath on the oblique of the tube, the birth of the note, the blend with electronics.
Kaustikos in the sense of "to burn", taken here in the sense of transformation by fire, which makes it more solid.
Kausitkos in the sense of physical optics, which describes the meeting of light rays with a curved surface and their reflection according to a caustic circle.

Composer François Wong is interested in sound in its vertical state (digging into matter) and in its temporal organization. He designs pieces and devices for instrument or sound installation, with listening as his main guide.
His projects(Agartha, saxophone and electronics), Fil de Son, (walking and sound recording of the landscape) are the subject of regular writing residencies (GMEM, Muse en Circuit, GMEA...).
François Wong