Composition residency.

Histoire(s) d'Antigone is the next creation by Laëtitia Pitz, director of the Compagnie Roland furieux. She has invited composer and pianist Christian Wallumrød to take part in this work, which blends text and music around the figure of Antigone.
Together, they will work from the play by Anglo-Canadian poet Anne Carson, Antigonick (translation by Édouard Louis, L'Arche, 2019).

"Antigonick - that which relates to Antigone.
Anne Carson posits Antigonick as a translation of Sophocles'Antigone.
She asserts this. Pushing the language into its modernity, its irreverence.
She plays with the great interpretations of Antigone - from Hegel to Judith Butler - offering us a sister-daughter of Oedipus who struggles not only with the family curse, but with the curse of all those who speak in her name. 

Antigone, heiress to the incestuous Labdacides family, knows she must embark on other futures. She dies buried alive, but she wants to open up a clearing where she can live well with others, where she can invent ways to mitigate violence. Antigone offers succeeding generations the conditions for living joyfully, fiercely, benevolently and responsibly. She offers us the resources to invent ways of living within a world at war, without accepting its terms. And I'm following Bernard Stiegler's thought, who saw Greta Thunberg saying, head-on, to the powerful of this world: "How dare you?", the Antigone of the 21st century." - Laëtitia Pitz

Antigone's story(s)
Laëtitia Pitz, Christian Wallumrød
Mon. 22 -- Fri. July 26, 2024

Laëtitia Pitz

Anaïs Pélaquier
artistic collaborator

Christian Wallumrød
composer and pianist 

Jan Martin Gismervik

Isabelle Busac
Production and Distribution Manager 

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