This workshop is reserved for high school teachers from the Aix-Marseille academy.

MotionKit is a software package dedicated to the practice of music and sound arts.
Resolutely oriented towards new digital practices, MotionKit integrates motion detection and allows the learning and discovery of musical gestures. It can be controlled or interact with most of the industry's interfaces.

MotionKit proposes to integrate gesture recognition into playful tools using simple webcams. These solutions make it possible to define new uses for artistic and musical expressions, and propose to develop innovative practices for various audiences.

Based on BrainModular's Hollyhock Factory software, MotionKit is a modular software giving immediate access to about twenty "instruments", and each instrument offers to play with sounds, to modulate parameters, to create musical sequences and to drive the whole thing through multiple input interfaces (joysticks, touch screens, MIDI interfaces, etc.).

MotionKit uses simple graphical representations so that the user can directly enter a musical game, without prior learning. Motion detection completes these inputs to propose innovative artistic and pedagogical approaches.

The software offers access to digital music creation and adapts to different users, from the neophyte to the experienced musician. The detection of movement in real time by a simple webcam participates in this desire of opening.

Based on machine learning technologies, MotionKit can now be controlled by hand movements.
Eventually, all the joints of the human body will be potential controllers. This leads to a new conception of instrumental gesture, choreography, scenography... for all.

Material to be provided by participants:
- laptop (with MotionKit 1.1.210612 software installed)
- headphones
> MotionKit download link: http: //

information by mail at : contact[at]

Motionkit Training
Introduction to Motionkit software for secondary school teachers
Thu. October 13, 2022 | 09:00 am GMEM (Pedagogical studio)

Sébastien Béranger