As part of the Marseille Festival

Purpose of residency: Readings and rehearsals with the artistic team.

Inspired by the unique poetry of the Riou and Frioul archipelagos off Marseille, this maritime opera in a natural setting offers spectators a singular aesthetic experience of witnessing, at sea, an artistic form that weaves the natural sound environment with sung and spoken voices and instrumental music.

A first island image takes shape: a few musicians positioned on rocks and a singer halfway in the water play an elegy to small Mediterranean islands, with the audience watching from boats at anchor, facing the rock hollows used as a backdrop and acoustic conch shell.

Beyond its aesthetic dimension, this proposal is supported by a booklet which, without being an ecological manifesto, draws its substance from a study of the ecosystem of the archipelagos of the Marseilles roadstead, from the naturalistic collection of different botanical species to the presence of shearwaters - whose singular cries may be at the origin of the myth of mermaids.

In this way, an artistic approach is inspired by a place, its geography and its history, but also by the question of the relationship that the human race can have today with remarkable and sensitive natural heritage sites. How can we celebrate without being invasive? How can we organize a musical ceremony without lapsing into a society of spectacle and cultural consumption? In short, how do we interpret these islands?

(f)riou(l), a maritime opera
Benjamin Dupé
Thu. 18 + Fri. 19 April 2024
Mon. 27 -- Wed. May 29, 2024
Wed. 12 -- Wed. June 19, 2024

Benjamin Dupé
design, music and artistic direction

Benjamin Dupé and in progress
libretto and dramaturgy, based on a survey of specialists and users

Pauline Sikirdji

Pierre Baux

Quatuor Tana
violins, viola, cello

Laurent Mariusse

Claire Marzullo

Mathieu Steffanus
bass clarinet

Julien Frénois
technical management

Vérane Kauffmann
assistant director

Elsa Michon
maritime production manager

Corinne Calandre

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