Creative residency.
This new creation by the La Nòvia collective is a continuation of projects initiated since 2015: it will explore the aesthetic and acoustic similarities inherent in traditional and contemporary music, by confronting the collective's specific instrumentation with works from the 20th - 21st century repertoire.
With Flux, they explored drone and microtonality, notably through Phil Niblock's piece Disseminate; Terry Riley's In C enabled them to delve deeper into notions of pattern and repetition. In this new project, the collective will address questions of rhythm and timbre, with reference to the work of Conlon Nancarrow and a commission from composer and sound artist Jessica Ekomane.
Drac Auvergne Rhône-Alpes ; Région Auvergne Rhône-Alpes ; CERC center de creacion musicau de Pau ; GMEM - Centre national de création musicale, Marseille ; Le Lieu Unique - Scène nationale de Nantes ; Lieu-Dit ; Festival MUSICA
Jessica Ekomane
Electronic musician and sound artist born in France and living in Berlin, Jessica Ekomane creates situations where sound acts as a transformative element for space and audience. Her quadraphonic performances, characterized by their physical effect, seek a cathartic state through the interaction of psychoacoustics, the perception of rhythmic structures and the alternation between noise and melody. His immersive and constantly evolving soundscapes are based on questions such as the relationship between individual perception and collective dynamics, or the study of listening expectations and their societal roots.
His debut LP Multivocal, released in 2019 on Important Records, grew out of a musical siesta project at Ars Electronica, organized by Shu-Lea Chang and Matthew Füller. Since then, her work has been widely presented in festivals, concert halls, contemporary art spaces and museums around the world, including Hamburger Bahnhof, Reina Sofia, Kanal Pompidou, Art Basel, Villa Massimo, CTM festival, Cafe OTO, Gedächtniskirche....
She was one of the composers chosen as collaborators by Natascha Sadr Haghigian for her installation Ankerzentrum in the German Pavilion at the 2019 Venice Biennale, alongside Maurice Louca, DJ Marfox, Jako Maron, Tisha Mukarji and Elnaz Seyedi.
She is currently one of the scholarship holders in residence for the Villa Romana 2023 prize in Florence.
Colon Nancarrow
Born in Arkansas in 1912, it was upon hearing Stravinsky's Le Sacre du Printemps that he decided to become a composer, studying with such diverse figures as Roger Sessions, Walter Piston and Nicolas Slonimsky. Breaking with a career as a jazz trumpeter, and already a member of the Communist Party, he went off to fight in Spain against Franco. His first instrumental compositions, still strongly influenced by jazz and European modernity at the time, date from this period.
In 1940, he took Mexican nationality and settled in Mexico City. Seven years later, he had the good idea of going to New York to buy a player piano. It was for this unexpected instrument that he would write most of his work, composing his famous Études, and patiently making the perforated rollers intended to animate the player piano. This was the beginning of a long, patient and stubborn period of solitary work, which finally attracted the attention of John Cage, then Merce Cunningham, who borrowed Nancarrow's music for one of his choreographies and, in 1964, allowed it to be heard for the first time in a concert situation.
Colon Nancarrow's fame began to take shape in the mid-70s, when his Études were published on disc. His influence, explicit or otherwise, was felt by composers as diverse as Gérard Grisey, György Ligeti and Frank Zappa. A music of process and geometric perfection, Nancarrow's art inherently eludes the conventions of discourse and form.
He died in Mexico City on August 10, 1997.
La Nòvia
Located in Haute-Loire, France, and founded in 2009. Today, this collective of some fifteen artists, teachers and theorists (from Auvergne Rhône-Alpes, Occitanie, Provence-Alpes-Côte-d'Azur, Île-de-France...) has come together to coordinate their efforts and reflections on traditional
and/or experimental music.
La Nòvia has employed a permanent member of staff as production manager since 2011. Thanks to the support of local authorities, civil society and several other partners (Nantes' scène nationale, Centre Pompidou, AMTA, Maison de la Musique Contemporaine, Instants Chavirés...), the collective has produced several new works: La Baracande, Trio Puech Gourdon Brémaud, Flux, In C, l'Autre, Maintes Fois, Au Seuil du Vent, La Harde, Sand, Frêne, Biais, La Trève, De l'Errance l'Oubli... These creations join La Nòvia's existing formations, which perform throughout France, Europe and internationally.
La Nòvia has received funding from the Drac Auvergne Rhône-Alpes and support from the Onda for its innovative approach.
Antoine Cognet
Basile Brémaud
Clément Gauthier
David Fauroux
sound engineer
Ernest Bergez
Grégoire Orio
scenography, video, lighting
Guilhem Lacroux
writing/directing, electric guitar
Jacques Puech
Nina Garcia
electric guitar
Perrine Bourel
Pierre-Vincent Fortunier
Béchonnet bagpipes 11p
Yann Gourdon
writing / direction, hurdy-gurdy, electronics
Jessica Ekomane