Piece for band and two percussionists

"As a concept invented by the German biologist and philosopher Jakob von Uexküll, the Umwelt unifies all the semiotic processes (creator of "meaning") of an organism. An organism's own world is therefore the sum of its experiences from its functional parts that allow it to apprehend the world (our five senses for the human being). To survive, each of its functional parts must work together. This collective experience, specific to a given species, is called the collective Umwelt. If something disrupts this unified worldview, the organism will be directly affected. When these perceptions are "synchronous", the organism develops goal-oriented actions and intentional behaviors." - Bertrand Wolff

Bertrand Wolff
Mon. 6 -- Fri. 17 March 2017
Mon. May 22, 2017 | 12:00 pm
Fri. June 2, 2017 | 12:00 noon

Bertrand Wolff

Damien Ravnich

François Rossi

Useful links