The starting point of Ersilia is a device, at the same time sound, scenographic and choreographic, which allows to explore the relation between body/movement and piano/sound.
Alvise Sinivia is looking for ways in which the full engagement of the body can produce music and how this play generates gesture in return: the interdependence of gesture and sound specific to all instrumental practice is brought to its paroxysm here.
"In the continuity of my previous creations, the aim of this device is still to find new ways to link movement and sound. [...] My work is only an amplification of this relationship, that is, the body becomes a living bow." - Alvise Sinivia
Italo Calvino's book Invisible Cities is a poetic inspiration for the project.
Friche la Belle de Mai
Compagnie Alvise Sinivia
GMEM, Théâtre de Vanves, La Briqueterie-Vitry, ICI-CCN de Montpellier
Hosted in residence
Théâtre de Vanves, La Briqueterie-Vitry, ICI-CCN de Montpellier, GMEM
Villa Medicis (2016-2017)
The company benefits from the support of
the DRAC IDF and the accompaniment AVEC of ARCADI
Alvise Sinivia
pianist, improviser, composer, performer
Pianist, improviser, composer and performer, his multiple encounters with artists from all horizons mark out his career (dancers, choreographers, circus artists, video artists, painters and visual artists). A curious artist who is constantly searching, he is constantly renewing his relationship with the instrument, whose paradoxes and sonic and physical limits he has been experimenting with for several years. Trained at the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse de Paris with Alain Planès and Emmanuel Strosser, he has made numerous encounters that have nourished his artistic practice. Involved in creation, he regularly collaborates with composers and participates in the Orchestre de Nouvelles Créations, Expérimentations et Improvisation Musicales. Founder and artistic director of the collective WARN!NG, he is also at the origin of various projects with musicians of his generation (Olivier Stankiewicz, Giani Caserotto, Vincent Le Quang....). He is a resident at Villa Medici during the 2016/2017 season in the performance discipline where he has deepened his research on the relationship between movement and sound.
David Drouard
After graduating from the CNR de danse et de musique de Nantes and the CNSMD de Lyon, David Drouard worked mainly as a performer with the choreographer Odile Duboc. He received the First Prize of the Nureyev Foundation at the Paris International Dance Competition in 2000 with his first project. Eager for new experiences, he collaborates with very different personalities, such as the star dancer of the Paris Opera Marie-Agnès Gillot, the Ivorian choreographer Georges Momboye, the Belgian choreographer Michèle Noiret, and the landscape artist Gilles Clément. Since 2012, he has produced three parts of an imagined triptych: (F)AUNE, (H)UBRIS and (S)ACRE. His main axis of creation, hybridity, leads him to explore different disciplines, plastic arts, digital arts and different dance techniques. His next creation MU - around Krump dance - is scheduled for spring 2020.
Friche la Belle de Mai (the Module)
41 Jobin Street13003
50 min.
Pedagogical 4 €
Information and reservations :
Alvise Sinivia
designer and performer
David Drouard
collaboration on choreography
Éric Wurtz
Light creation
Salvador Mateu Andujar
costume design
Thierry Debroas
general management