"The refuge is Agarttha. You must have heard of Agarttha, seat of the king of the world, the subterranean city from which the Lords of the World dominate and direct the vicissitudes of human history."
Umberto Eco - Foucault's Pendulum (1988)
Everything begins underneath. The wave, deeply anchored in a compact earth, vibrates, beats, rubs, shocks. Painful birth. Path towards the light.
The Agartha rises from limbo. From its entrails emerge multiple ramifications, half animal, half vegetable. A new cycle of life is anchored in its past thickness to go towards a light and aerial growth. The dazzling ascension, absurd and disorderly, dies out in a space without borders.
Executive productions
GMEM - Centre national de création musicale

Composer François Wong is interested in sound in its vertical state (digging into matter) and in its temporal organization. He designs pieces and devices for instrument or sound installation, with listening as his main guide.
His projects(Agartha, saxophone and electronics), Fil de Son, (walking and sound recording of the landscape) are the subject of regular writing residencies (GMEM, Muse en Circuit, GMEA...).
45 min.
François Wong
composition, interpretation
Geneviève Sorin
external view
Charles Bascou, Pierre Fleurence, LFO-FabLab
help to design the electronic controller
IN 2020
October 16, 2020 - Saint Merry Church, Paris (75)