Creative residency.
Le comptoir des silences continues to explore the boundaries between music and language. The association of acoustic instruments, bassoon and double bass, with modular synthesis, electronics and voice carrying texts, are the tools chosen to question the drifts of language and the extent of the sound vocabulary. Words of love, words of hate, words that divide and words that unite, words that dream and words that imagine, words that reason and words that fade away. All these languages are a social contract between us. Speaking is a political act. So is composing.
We're looking for blends of timbre and dynamics, to conjure up unexpected melodies, to move back and forth between popular culture and experimental research. We're looking for narrative modes in which words are written with sounds.
Le Portail Coucou, Salon-de-Provence (13)
Christophe Modica
Composer and sound designer
His work straddles the porous boundaries between genres and arts. He composes extensively for live performance. He has won a Phonurgia Nova Award, collaborates with numerous companies and lectures at FAI-AR on the subject of sound dramaturgy. He is the creator of Comptoir des silences.
Stephane Coutable
Bassoon / effects
He has been soloist with the Orchestre Philharmonique de Marseille since 2004. He is in demand as a replacement for the Orchestre de chambre de Paris, and the Orchestras of Lyon, Montpellier, Lille...
He is the founder of several concert-reading and music-to-picture ensembles. He has written the music for two plays and has worked in the street arts (Cie Carabosse, KompleX KapharnaüM, Le comptoir des silences).
He is a regular guest with the group Lo'jo, performing in France and abroad, and has recorded 10 albums with them. He has improvised alongside Archie Shepp, Erik Truffaz, Vincent Ségal, Robert Wyatt, Tinariwen, Airelle Besson, Magic Malik and Alban Darche.
Éric Chalan
Double bass
His taste for diversity, supported by the versatility of the double bass, leads him to play a wide range of musical styles. From 1996 to 2004, he collaborated with the Ensemble interContemporain on a number of concerts and recordings. He is a member of the Dedalus ensemble, which focuses on the minimalist repertoire in general. In 2012, he joined the Marseille-based ensemble télémaque.
He also created the music for two of Nicolas Lambert's political documentary shows, "avenir radieux" in 2011 and "le maniement des larmes" in 2015.
Le comptoir des silences
composed of
Éric Chalan
double bass and effects pedals
Stéphane Coutable
bassoon and effects pedals
Christophe Modica
modular synthesizer, voice and radiophony