The Parcours Découverte offers kindergarten students (and structures working in the field of early childhood) the opportunity to meet an artist in the GMEM studios during a rehearsal or a show presentation. Beforehand, a facilitator comes to each class to introduce the students to an artistic practice related to the chosen show (listening to works, recording, practicing an instrument, the voice...). 

For this workshop, it will beAuscúltare, a mixed musical piece by Bertrand Wolff and delegated production by the GMEM.
This course aims to awaken the curiosity and listening skills of children by helping them discover new and amusing sound environments.


With École Calanques de Sormiou (13002), CP / CE1 classes
and Ecole élémentaire Capelette (13010)

Preparation workshops for Auscúltare
Jeanne Alcaraz
Thu. January 5, 2023 | 09:30 a.m. Capelette Laugier Elementary School
Fri. January 13, 2023 | 09:30 am Capelette Laugier Elementary School

Jeanne Alcaraz
artist speaker

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