As part of the Parallèle 15 festival.

Part 1: 12:00 - 13:00

La memoria risiede nel lobo dell'orecchio (Memory resides in the earlobe)
Alessandro Bosetti


Composer and sound artist Alessandro Bosetti invites the public to a series of mnemonic practices in a hypothetical "sound memory palace", a physical and imaginary space containing sound memories linked to life stories.

Rumbles, sighs, melodies and words. Stories attached, like a skin, to certain sounds that resurface from a desired, rewritten, celebrated past. A place that is perhaps only mental, where we rediscover certain memories through meditations, exercises and experiences for which we must close our eyes.

What does an unforgettable noise sound like?

Sound writing emerges from a convocation of sounds and strives to reconstruct, transform, reshape and recompose them in the mind and heart. For both the listener and the author, it's a question of searching for the emotions that, among sounds, enable us to remember some and forget others, moving lightly through the territory between oblivion and auditory hallucination.

La mémoire réside dans le lobe de l'oreille is a sound performance created as part of the Short Theatre festival and the European Radio That Matters project, in collaboration with a community of blind and visually impaired people attending the A.S.P. Sant'Alessio Margherita di Savoia in Rome.

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Part 2: 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Radio That Matters
Maud Blandel, Flavio Virzì, ASLAA - Association Sports et Loisirs des Aveugles et Amblyopes


"At our meetings, we seek to bear witness to voices that have marked our lives, both spoken and sung, to re-convoke these voices through our own, but also to invent ways of restoring a song kept secret from the listener: through our descriptions, our translations and our different forms of interpretation." - Maud Blandel

Choreographer Maud Blandel, composer and guitarist Flavio Virzì and members of ASLAA - Association Sports et Loisirs pour Aveugles et Amblyopes, join forces to create a radio play exploring the relationship between voice, memory and emotion. At the crossroads of sound research, the performing arts and reflection on the accessibility of works for the visually impaired, this creation is part of the European Radio That Matters project. In this project, artists, radio stations and associations for the visually impaired are invited to work together to create innovative artistic forms that make the festival experience and content accessible to all.

The radio play will be followed by a public conversation about the project. They will be broadcast live on Radio Grenouille 88.8 on Saturday February 8 from 2 to 4 pm.

Since 2016, Maud Blandel has been supported by Parallèle in production and distribution.

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Parallel 15
Festival of International Emerging Practices

La memoria risiede nel lobo dell'orecchio (Memory resides in the earlobe) - Alessandro Bosetti
Sat. February 8, 2025 | 12:00 pm
Friche la Belle de Mai (le Module)


Radio That Matters - Maud Blandel, Flavio Virzì, ASLAA - Association Sports et Loisirs des Aveugles et Amblyopes
Followed by a public conversation on the project
Sat. February 8, 2025 | 2:00 pm
Friche la Belle de Mai (le Module)

The radio play will be followed by a public conversation about the project. They will be broadcast live on Radio Grenouille 88.8 on Saturday February 8 from 2 to 4 pm.

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