What are "ExtraMods"?

Concerts, performances, residency outings... events scheduled outside the "Modulations" season.
Unexpected programming, with no particular frequency, to be announced by surprise.

ExtraMod #3

Vibraphonist, traveler, all-terrain composer and musical-theater enthusiast Alex Grillo imagines projects that feature daring blends of tones, sounds and languages from elsewhere.

Following on from L'Afrique est en nous, with the help of singer and musician Dominique Chevaucher, we present Pagnes arrachés, a new opus that brings together different visions, representations and voices of today's Africa. 

This time, instead of authors, he asked two women authors from Benin and Côte d'Ivoire to write a story about their place as women in these various African countries. 

To bring these texts to life, he called on author Nathalie Hounvo Yèkpè.

Torn off loincloths
Alex Grillo
Thu. March 27, 2025 | 7:00 pm Friche la Belle de Mai (le Module)

1h00 approx.

Full: 8€
Reduced: 6€*
*Young people aged 12-25, students, jobseekers, recipients of minimum social benefits, intermittent workers, seniors aged 65 and over - with proof of age.

Online: gmem-cncm.mapado.com
By e-mail: billetterie@gmem.org
On site: in the GMEM foyer, opening on the day of performance, half an hour before the show, subject to availability.

Latecomers will not be admitted to the auditorium, as some shows - at the request of the artistic teams - do not allow late entrances.


Dominique Chevaucher
theremin, electronics and voice 

Alex Grillo
augmented vibraphone and voice

Nathalie Hounvo Yèkpè
Fatou Sy

Nathalie Hounvo Yèkpè

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