On the stage, a set of metal plates or blades (copper, tin, steel...) are suspended vertically, like a keyboard: from the thinnest (0.1 mm) to the thickest. Conceived by Philippe Foch as a real instrument, this ensemble is played either by stirring the air without touching the material, with feathers or large African brooms, with the fingers by twisting the plates (using the tabla technique) or with mallets on the thickest metal of the large plates. 

These blades and plates are also the projection medium for a "handmade" film: images evolving in the colors and lights of an autumn walk in the Auvergne, a garden in spring, and the reflections of a blinding sun on the water: a film made from the materials of natural elements, a theater of dreams. He alone lights the stage. 

The plates become complex, living tableaux, which, through their own interplay of material and light reflection, give full power to the image. 

The sound and musical work is closely linked to the luminous material of a delicate vibratory world, caressed, blown to the point of torsion, saturation and blindness. Starting from the most minute, on the edge of the silence of illusion where light becomes sound, we cross the strata of the vibration of these plates (granular, rhythmic, polyphonic) until we reach a sonic and spatial conflagration - like being on the high seas - towards a finale without a body, composed solely of the resonances and memories of these plates. 

Each plate or group of plates is captured, processed and transformed electronically, controlled by the expert hands of Maxime Lance. Electronic processing and spatialization give the sound composition its polyphonic dimension, immersing the audience in a variety of spaces. 

Memory metal
Philippe Foch, Maxime Lance
Tue. February 18, 2025 | 7:00 pm Friche la Belle de Mai (Grand Plateau)

approx. 1h00

Full: 8€
Reduced: 6€*
*Young people aged 12-25, students, jobseekers, people on minimum social benefits, intermittent workers, seniors aged 65 and over - on presentation of proof.

Free admission for Modulations loyalty card holders (by reservation only)

Latecomers will not be admitted to the auditorium, as some shows do not tolerate late entry - at the request of the artistic teams.

Online: gmem-cncm.mapado.com
By e-mail: billetterie@gmem.org
On site: on the day of the performance, half an hour before the show, subject to availability.

What are the Modulations?
Concerts, performances, regular events...
In other words, a season organized by the GMEM.
2nd semester dates:
21/01/25- 18/02 - 18/03 - 23/03 - 15/04 - 11/05


Philippe Foch
design, composition and performance 

Maxime Lance (Sonopopée collective)
sound processing and broadcasting 

Stéphane Bordonaro
image and light processing 

Angélique De Putter
Philippe Foch


Bernard Poupart
collaboration on set design and lighting: