Propagations is a festival for all kinds of creative music and sound experimentation.

From written instrumental music to the most unexpected performances, all aesthetics are accompanied by original scenic forms, seeking to anchor a committed, sincere and intimate relationship between artistic teams and audiences.

Familiar and unheard-of instruments, immersive sound diffusion devices, sound transformation and artistic multidisciplinarity combine and combine to offer you the experience of sound in all its forms.


Editorial by Christian Sebille, Director of GMEM - Centre national de création musicale

To test the new technological revolution that has surreptitiously entered our daily lives, I provided an AI (artificial intelligence) with the following words: "festival - creative music - Marseille - May 2025". The result was an impressive text that I could have used myself, albeit with a few corrections.
I regenerate... a new text appears, then a third! 

Recurring words and syntaxes emerge that speak of creation, novelty, experimentation, inclusion, diversity, Marseille ville monde, richness, eclecticism. But nothing about "why"? 

Why, within a society, provide the conditions for inventing, learning and judging?
Why promote access to the freedom to discover and think? 

Pour-quoi ré-sa ej par-fois - "Recitation n°10" by Georges Aperghis. 

Reading, entering a story or a theater without knowing what you're going to hear, listen to or see, is a bit like playing with destiny, transforming the path you've chosen, escaping from what's automatically given to you.

Why persist in not responding to what the majority want? The flow of what is manufactured responds to the expectations of the majority, who themselves are determined by the flow of what is manufactured.

Opening a book by William Faulkner or Fyodor Dostoyevsky, listening to a quartet by Ludwig van Beethoven, or a concerto by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is an act that opens up access to another world, transforming us into something that will never be the same again. But what an effort!

Encouraging access to creativity is part of this freedom, sometimes frightening, of new worlds that will be our foundations for tomorrow.

In La Pluie d'été, Marguerite Duras has Ernesto say this enigmatic phrase when he escapes from school: "Because at school they teach me things I don't know." 

What does Ernesto escape? From what fear?
From losing what could move him to the point of being transformed?

Could AI have written this text?

Come and discover what you won't hear anywhere else, and take part in this new adventure that you'll compose yourself, by choice.

Festival Propagations ⑤
May 2 - 11, 2025
Fri. 2 -- Sun. May 11, 2025 Marseille

Le Couvent, La Criée - Théâtre national de Marseille, Friche la Belle de Mai, KLAP Maison pour la danse, Opéra de Marseille, le ZEF - scène nationale de Marseille, 3 bis f - Centre d'arts contemporains d'intérêt national (Aix-en-Provence), Fondation Camargo (Cassis)

Find out more

From 3€ to 15€
Gives access to two shows per evening, subject to availability
- Friday May 9
- Saturday May 10

PASS SOIRÉE 12€ / 10€
Gives access to two shows per evening, subject to availability
- Thursday May 8

Gives access to two Musiques-Fictions on the same day/evening, subject to availability
- Friday May 2
- Tuesday May 6
- Wednesday May 7
- Thursday May 8
- Friday May 9
- Saturday May 10

Latecomers will not be admitted to the auditorium, as some shows - at the request of the artistic teams - do not allow late entrances.

The GMEM is committed to the environment and invites you to use sustainable means of transportation.

ensembles Court-circuit, Multilatérale, Polyphème, Grand8 and Dewa Alit, Mathilde Barthélémy, Florence Baschet, Lorenzo Bianchi Hoesch, Fabrizio Cassol, Jean Chaize, Xavier Charles, Élise Chauvin, Jérôme Combier, Aurélien Dumont, Annie Ernaux, Hélène Frappat, Daniele Ghisi, Núria Giménez-Comas, Javier Elipe Gimeno, Wassim Halal, Anja Hilling, Philippe Hurel, Rebecca Journo, Maylis de Kerangal, Patrick Kermann, Soizic Lebrat, Robert Linhart, Erri De Luca, Nastassja Martin, Céline Minard, Marie NDiaye, Para One, Olivier Pasquet, Frédéric Pattar, Mélanie Perrier, Gérard Pesson, Laëtitia Pitz, Gaëlle Rouard, Roque Rivas, Olivia Rosenthal, Lydie Salvayre, Christian Sebille, Claudine Simon, Adèle Viret

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